Monday, March 20, 2017


If it is important to you, you will find a way.
If not, you'll find an excuse.

I think of this quote a lot. Not just for my running, but everything I do.
Any goal I set, I make sure that I am finding ways to make it happen rather than reasons why it can't.

Some of the excuses I have overcome with running (some of these were the very early days).

1) It hurts my knees.
2) It is hard to breathe... I have athsma or something.
3) It takes so long.
4) I work all day, I just need some time to relax.
5) If I run then I have less time to do other things, like dishes.

All of those seemed valid to me at the time but I have not used them in a long time. Of course it hurt my knees, it was new and I had never used those muscles before. I don't have athsma, I was just really out of shape. It takes time, yes, but it's a great time to clear my head and forget about everything that is going on and just be for a little while. Relaxing is much more satisfying after a good run, trust me. I can wake up early and do the dishes before work, not everything has to be perfect at all times, there is room for error.

With every 'excuse hurdle' I overcome I feel like a more confident and accomplished person. This makes the goal more fun and my life more exciting. The things that my body is capable amazes me, and if I hadn't gotten over my excuses, if I had quit when it was hard, I would never have known how good it could feel!

I am not saying that I don't make excuses, or that I am through all the hard times, I am just saying that it is worth it to push on through! And I have even more exciting barriers to break through!

p.s. Rebekah is no longer doing the Ultra with me... She has other things going on.