Sunday, April 23, 2017

Why do I run in the winter?

The winter is cold, it's hard to breathe, my joints hurt. Why do I continue to run through the winter?

Besides the fact that I enjoy my time running there is one reason that I run through the winter.....

... So I am not too out of breath to smell the flowers I run past in the spring. :) It's very nice running by all the flowering trees and gardens and just taking a nice big breath and absorb the good smells and feelings.


  • I have lost 12 pounds since I started running. 
  • I can now run at Sean's pace (not his work out pace, but his regular pace). We like to remember the first run we did together where I didn't even make it around the block. haha 
  • I am finally confident enough that I am not constantly wondering who is watching and what I am doing wrong. 

Sorry it is still not a substantial post.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017


I don't have much to update on or talk about but...
After the struggle of running in the cold... it's finally warm!!! I could not be happier about that! Even though I have created some really fun treadmill workouts, for those really nasty cold days, it is nice to just go out and enjoy my run rather than think about the fact that my digits are frozen. I have been able to go for much longer outside runs with the warmth. I am not saying that it's impossible to run outside in the cold... I am just saying I don't enjoy it as much. ha On top of that, my puppy can do my warm ups with me again and that makes us both happy!

Sorry it's a short and pointless post. I am just trying to be better about frequently posting.

Sunday, April 2, 2017


I went for a run with Sean the other day, which is great because he is faster than I am so it pushes me.
But on our run I was thinking about when I first started running verses now and its kind of funny the differences. Not only am I more capable now but the things that used to bug me are funny.

I used to get upset when my hair would get in my face and my clothes weren't staying put. Now as long as I can see my hair can be wherever it wants. I have gone for runs where my hair was down and it was in my mouth and in my eye, it wasn't preferable but it didn't bug me. I have also gone for runs and my clothes were falling down and riding up and in general not cooperating and I didn't have a huge problem with it.
I have gotten to the point where I no longer worry about the little things like that, I just want to run.

Monday, March 20, 2017


If it is important to you, you will find a way.
If not, you'll find an excuse.

I think of this quote a lot. Not just for my running, but everything I do.
Any goal I set, I make sure that I am finding ways to make it happen rather than reasons why it can't.

Some of the excuses I have overcome with running (some of these were the very early days).

1) It hurts my knees.
2) It is hard to breathe... I have athsma or something.
3) It takes so long.
4) I work all day, I just need some time to relax.
5) If I run then I have less time to do other things, like dishes.

All of those seemed valid to me at the time but I have not used them in a long time. Of course it hurt my knees, it was new and I had never used those muscles before. I don't have athsma, I was just really out of shape. It takes time, yes, but it's a great time to clear my head and forget about everything that is going on and just be for a little while. Relaxing is much more satisfying after a good run, trust me. I can wake up early and do the dishes before work, not everything has to be perfect at all times, there is room for error.

With every 'excuse hurdle' I overcome I feel like a more confident and accomplished person. This makes the goal more fun and my life more exciting. The things that my body is capable amazes me, and if I hadn't gotten over my excuses, if I had quit when it was hard, I would never have known how good it could feel!

I am not saying that I don't make excuses, or that I am through all the hard times, I am just saying that it is worth it to push on through! And I have even more exciting barriers to break through!

p.s. Rebekah is no longer doing the Ultra with me... She has other things going on.

Thursday, December 1, 2016


There has been a lot that has happened since my last post.

At this moment in time Rebekah is not sure if she will be able to meet our goal. Being a single mom is a big undertaking and she would like to dedicate her time to Henry. I am still going to follow the timeline that we set though.

I had to take a break from running for a while because I went for a long run (my goal was 15 miles but I only got to 12) and I stress fractured my left foot. So even though it drove me crazy, I rested for a loooooong time. And then  right when that healed I got injured at work... someone dropped a heavy box on both of my heels and they were bruised badly. So I rested a little longer.

Now I am back in to it and I am doing runs in the morning and weight lifting at night.

I am really happy with the results so far, I am starting to feel a lot stronger and happier.

Not a whole lot has happened otherwise... so until next time....

Thanks for reading!

Monday, September 26, 2016

Hopefully the last Sam post for a While

Hi everyone!
I feel like I just posted but I thought I would do one today because this is my last week of my class!
The end of my class means that I will have one less thing on my plate and it will make it just a little easier to find time to work out! A lot easier to clear time for a long run (which I haven't been able to make time for because the second half of my class was MUCH harder than the first). I am happy to say that Rebekah has gotten a gym membership and has been doing well working out. She has made a work out plan that she intends to follow. We have made plans to run together more as well!
One thing I am not looking forward to is winter... The fall weather is nice for running so I am definantly going to enjoy that while it lasts. But I am NOT a fan of cold so I have a feeling it going to take a lot more convincing to go out once winter hits. haha
I am happy to say that I have gotten stronger. Every time I get to move to a higher weight on any given task it is a very exciting thing! I always put it on the weight that I did last time I did it and it's super fun when I do one rep and it is too easy. :)
I have nothing else to say for tonight So for now, good day!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Busy, Busy, Busy

Since the last time I (Sam) posted:

I have started working out at LA Fitness. Which includes strength training and swimming.
I went on a 17 mile run. And my time was 3 hours and 4 min. By the time I got to 17.0 I stopped running instantly. I set that goal and made it and that was all that mattered to me. I was exhausted by the end but I felt very proud.

I have spent the last couple weeks building up my core (back, hips, abs, butt). Whenever I run my long distances those are the areas that I feel, especially my hips. So I read up and have started a including those in my every day strength. I have also found some fun things to do on my runs that make them harder and also more entertaining at the same time. I have learned that any dance move that propels you forward makes things more fun and.

It is exciting feeling stronger with every run. Being able to go longer and faster is really motivating. Also, in my strength it is fun when I have to go up a weight from the last time in order for it to be difficult.

Random subject change,
Sean and I both bought recovery drinks that help with muscle growth. Mine is gluten free (and vegan because apparently EVERYONE who avoids gluten also avoids everything else that makes things taste good) and his is not. The first time we both drank them he said he wanted to take it slow and enjoy his but he chugged it because it was so good. my response... meh... I didn't have that problem. haha

Thanks for reading another post!