Monday, June 27, 2016

Introductions and Goals

Hello amazing readers. This is a blog where we (Rebekah and Sam) are going to keep you posted on our journey to running an ultra marathon. Our goals are by September next year (2017) to run a marathon together. Then the next year our goal is a 50 mile ultra and finally the third year our goal is to run a 100 mile ultra.

For training we are starting with getting our fitness levels in sync so that we keep a uniform pace for the marathons. We are also trying to find our balance with strength, flexibility and cardio. Rebekah is the flexible one and Sam is the 'fast' one.

Rebekah's reasons for doing this include but are not limited to:

1) Showing her son that you can do so much more than just make it through, you can overcome.
2) Improving overall fitness.
3) Being able to say that She ran 100 miles.

Sam's reasons are:

1) Because running has been an escape and has gotten her through a lot of hard times.
2) As cheesy as this sounds, she really just likes running.
3)You never know how far you can go until you try.

We plan on updating weekly, including where we are with our fitness levels,  if our goals change, and what we learn along the way. We'll also add some video posts and Personal posts (individual updates from each runner).

So tie your shoes and lets get ready for the run (or I guess lots of runs).

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