Monday, September 26, 2016

Hopefully the last Sam post for a While

Hi everyone!
I feel like I just posted but I thought I would do one today because this is my last week of my class!
The end of my class means that I will have one less thing on my plate and it will make it just a little easier to find time to work out! A lot easier to clear time for a long run (which I haven't been able to make time for because the second half of my class was MUCH harder than the first). I am happy to say that Rebekah has gotten a gym membership and has been doing well working out. She has made a work out plan that she intends to follow. We have made plans to run together more as well!
One thing I am not looking forward to is winter... The fall weather is nice for running so I am definantly going to enjoy that while it lasts. But I am NOT a fan of cold so I have a feeling it going to take a lot more convincing to go out once winter hits. haha
I am happy to say that I have gotten stronger. Every time I get to move to a higher weight on any given task it is a very exciting thing! I always put it on the weight that I did last time I did it and it's super fun when I do one rep and it is too easy. :)
I have nothing else to say for tonight So for now, good day!

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