Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Busy, Busy, Busy

Since the last time I (Sam) posted:

I have started working out at LA Fitness. Which includes strength training and swimming.
I went on a 17 mile run. And my time was 3 hours and 4 min. By the time I got to 17.0 I stopped running instantly. I set that goal and made it and that was all that mattered to me. I was exhausted by the end but I felt very proud.

I have spent the last couple weeks building up my core (back, hips, abs, butt). Whenever I run my long distances those are the areas that I feel, especially my hips. So I read up and have started a including those in my every day strength. I have also found some fun things to do on my runs that make them harder and also more entertaining at the same time. I have learned that any dance move that propels you forward makes things more fun and.

It is exciting feeling stronger with every run. Being able to go longer and faster is really motivating. Also, in my strength it is fun when I have to go up a weight from the last time in order for it to be difficult.

Random subject change,
Sean and I both bought recovery drinks that help with muscle growth. Mine is gluten free (and vegan because apparently EVERYONE who avoids gluten also avoids everything else that makes things taste good) and his is not. The first time we both drank them he said he wanted to take it slow and enjoy his but he chugged it because it was so good. my response... meh... I didn't have that problem. haha

Thanks for reading another post!

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