Sunday, April 2, 2017


I went for a run with Sean the other day, which is great because he is faster than I am so it pushes me.
But on our run I was thinking about when I first started running verses now and its kind of funny the differences. Not only am I more capable now but the things that used to bug me are funny.

I used to get upset when my hair would get in my face and my clothes weren't staying put. Now as long as I can see my hair can be wherever it wants. I have gone for runs where my hair was down and it was in my mouth and in my eye, it wasn't preferable but it didn't bug me. I have also gone for runs and my clothes were falling down and riding up and in general not cooperating and I didn't have a huge problem with it.
I have gotten to the point where I no longer worry about the little things like that, I just want to run.

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