Friday, July 22, 2016

Running with a Chorkie

This is a post just by Sam

When I first started running, before I was training for something (when there was still some walking involved...) I would take BB on my runs. She is a pretty good runner for a 5 lb dog. But now that I am actually training for something and I am pushing myself harder and harder every day it is a little tougher to bring her along. Whenever she sees my pretty pink running shoes though she follows me around like it is her only job in the whole world. And if you have ever seen her "I want to go running too mom" face, you would understand where my dilemma is. On a not-so-hot day she can run for an hour, even though it isn't my pace I will take it on an easy day. When it is hot she can't quite go so long though. So what I have been doing lately is taking her on my 'warm up' (about 20 min.), to work out all my kinks, and then swinging by the house and dropping her off so that I can push myself for however long I feel. This way she is happy and I get to train. It is also a two birds one stone situation because the dog gets walked!

Update on me:

I have been doing really well with stretching! It is sometimes the most relaxing part of my day.
I have been doing a little better with getting strength training in but it is an uphill battle.
I have been doing a LOT better with my 'diet.' In other words I am eating healthier.

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