Sunday, August 14, 2016

Sick(ish) Week

Another post just from Sam.

Sorry that there haven't been weekly posts, Rebekah hasn't been running and I (Sam) haven't wanted to just post a bunch of posts just from my side. So I told her to get on and post something but she didn't.

Last Tuesday I found out that my iritis had come back.

Iritis Symptoms

Iritis usually develops quickly and generally affects only one eye. Signs and symptoms may include any or all of the following:
  • Pain in the eye or brow region
  • Worsened eye pain when exposed to bright light
  • Reddened eye, especially adjacent to the iris
  • Small or funny shaped pupil
  • Blurred vision
  • Headache
So I had to go to the optometrist and get prescription eye drops to help keep my pupil from scaring. When I got home I went for a run, which was pretty interesting because I had my one eye shut basically the whole time. I decided that I wouldn't let the eye slow me down so I pushed myself, maybe a little too hard, and I sprained my ankle 3 miles out. So I limp "ran" 3 miles to get home squinting one eye, I bet I was a sight. I have still  been running this week even though my ankle has been sore but I have been taking it easy, I haven't been trying to beat my times or pace or anything. I have done more weight training in the past week too so I could stay off my ankle as much as possible.  
Everything is mostly healed now though so I'll be getting back into it this week, thankfully. 

I have also been doing "My Fitness Pal" which is an app for smart phones. I wanted to make sure that I ate enough on the days that I ran because I know that I would get to feeling good about myself and would skip meals so that I would feel "skinny." But the app helps me because I don't want to be skinny, I want to be fit. And in order to be fit you have to make sure that you are eating right. And it also helps me to eat better food because bad foods that I want to eat like ice cream aren't very filling and they take away a lot of your calories while good foods like chicken and veggies are very few calories so you can actually get full from eating them! 

Thats pretty much it for now. I will start posting regardless of what Rebekah does so that you at least get some kind of an update. and hopefully she will get her butt in gear so that she can run the 100 with me. 

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