Friday, August 19, 2016

1/2 Marathon Distance

Today I ran 13.25 miles

Grace (my youngest sister) came with me on bike to talk to me and enjoy the beautiful day with me! We were both covered in sunscreen, don't worry.
For my lunch today I had Oatmeal, almonds, peanut butter and yogurt covered raisins... because they looked so tasty. Because I had decided this morning that I was going to shoot for a half marathon today. And I made sure to pack applesauce, raisins, extra water and some mandarin oranges in case I started to feel faint or something.
Over all it wasn't too bad, nothing hurt at all until mile 6, when my middle toes decided they were tired... just the middle ones. Around 9 miles I was feeling quite tired. When I hit 11 miles I was VERY aware of every part of my body, my legs/feet in particular. Even with feeling tired at the end, which was expected, I think it went very well. I thought I would be tired earlier and I didn't think I would feel so okay after. I am sore, but not a noodle like expected.
Nothing much to say but I am happy that I accomplished this.

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